Last year, Mobvoi unveiled the TicWatch Pro 5, showcasing its dual display technology, the latest Snapdragon processor, and remarkable battery longevity. Building upon last year’s solid foundation, the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro refines the design by slimming down the device, redesigning the crown, and fine-tuning the software. Like its predecessor, Mobvoi has crafted an impressive…
Tag: Mobvoi
Mobvoi Unveils Wear OS 3 Update: A Game-Changing Experience for TicWatch Users
In a highly anticipated move, Mobvoi has officially announced the impending release of the Wear OS 3 update, promising a significant enhancement to the TicWatch user experience. This eagerly awaited development is a testament to Mobvoi’s ongoing commitment to delivering cutting-edge services to its valued users. The Wear OS 3 update will be rolled out…
Mobvoi finally opens Wear OS 3 beta signups for it’s older models
After a long wait, TicWatch users can finally breathe a sigh of relief as Mobvoi initiates the much-anticipated update of its wearables to Wear OS 3. Although the update is not yet available, the company has commenced the recruitment process for its upcoming beta program, offering users an exclusive opportunity to preview the software ahead…
The TicWatch Pro 5 packs some impressive specs
Today marks the launch of the TicWatch Pro 5, a significant milestone for Mobvoi in multiple aspects. One notable highlight is its operating system, as this is Mobvoi’s inaugural smartwatch powered by Wear OS 3. Despite having capable hardware available for over a year, the company has now embraced the updated interface that works seamlessly…
TicWatch Pro 5 Wear OS Smartwatch: Leaked Specs Surface Before Official Release
Before its release, there have been significant leaks about the TicWatch Pro 5 by Mobvoi, which is the first smartwatch running on Wear OS and equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 chip. The watch is offered in Obsidian black and comes with 24mm bands, while its display is protected by Gorilla Glass and…