Last year, Mobvoi unveiled the TicWatch Pro 5, showcasing its dual display technology, the latest Snapdragon processor, and remarkable battery longevity. Building upon last year’s solid foundation, the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro refines the design by slimming down the device, redesigning the crown, and fine-tuning the software. Like its predecessor, Mobvoi has crafted an impressive timepiece that excels in many areas, yet a few drawbacks prevent it from reaching its full potential.
Price, availability, and specifications
Mobvoi released the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro in May 2024, priced at $350. It comes in Obsidian, a sleek jet-black hue, and is accessible for purchase both through Mobvoi’s official website and Amazon.
Case Material: Aluminum, Nylon with Fiberglass
Display: 1.43“, OLED + Ultra-low-power Display
Display resolution: 466*466 326ppi
CPU: Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1
Storage: 32GB
Battery: 628mAh
Wi-Fi connectivity: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz
Connectivity: NFC
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.2
Software: Wear OS 3.5
Health sensors: Accelerometer, Gyro, HD PPG Heart Rate, SpO2, Skin Temperature
Dimensions: 50.15 x 48 x 11.95
Weight: 44.7g
IP Rating: 5ATM
Strap size: 24mm
Colors: Obsidian
Price: $350
Should you buy it?
In essence, the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro remains largely unchanged from last year, with minor enhancements. This isn’t necessarily a drawback, given the overall excellence of the previous model. If you already own the standard TicWatch Pro 5, there’s little incentive to upgrade to this version.
However, for newcomers to Android wearables or those experiencing sluggish performance with their current device, the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro presents a compelling option. Its striking dual display setup, attractive design, and exceptional battery life are standout features, providing a sense of freedom with infrequent charging.
Moreover, this watch serves well for basic health tracking needs. While it may not satisfy the demands of hardcore fitness enthusiasts seeking precise tracking, its capabilities should suffice for general fitness monitoring, catering to a broader user base.