Last year, Mobvoi unveiled the TicWatch Pro 5, showcasing its dual display technology, the latest Snapdragon processor, and remarkable battery longevity. Building upon last year’s solid foundation, the TicWatch Pro 5 Enduro refines the design by slimming down the device, redesigning the crown, and fine-tuning the software. Like its predecessor, Mobvoi has crafted an impressive…
Category: TicWatch
Mobvoi Unveils Wear OS 3 Update: A Game-Changing Experience for TicWatch Users
In a highly anticipated move, Mobvoi has officially announced the impending release of the Wear OS 3 update, promising a significant enhancement to the TicWatch user experience. This eagerly awaited development is a testament to Mobvoi’s ongoing commitment to delivering cutting-edge services to its valued users. The Wear OS 3 update will be rolled out…
TicWatch Pro 5 Wear OS Smartwatch: Leaked Specs Surface Before Official Release
Before its release, there have been significant leaks about the TicWatch Pro 5 by Mobvoi, which is the first smartwatch running on Wear OS and equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 chip. The watch is offered in Obsidian black and comes with 24mm bands, while its display is protected by Gorilla Glass and…